Gin & hypertonic

Don’t mix medicine and alcohol often.

The effect of Enalapril is increased in combination with alcohol.

Gin & hypertonic

The effect of alcohol is not increased in combination with Enalapril.

Gin & hypertonic – aaah! Perfect!

Aortic dissection

Avnjut aortadissektion, fast kanske inte bokstavligt.

Berättar en historia om aortadissektion och avslutas med ett kort instrumentalbröl som heter Retarded fury.

Last year in January
I performed a general health test
checking height
checking weight
checking hearing
et cetera

Checking the blood pressure
was made twice
by the nurse in charge
then she had a colleague
to make it a third time
to assure that there was no mistake
My blood pressure was far too high

I was sent to the hospital immediately
for further tests and medication
Later that evening I was released
but a deeper investigation was started
After a few weeks I was put
into an X-ray computer tomography
to check my renal artery.
If the renal artery are too narrow
the kidneys will tell the body
to raise the blood pressure,
which could explain my state.

There was nothing wrong with my renal artery
but they saw something else on the images.
The innermost layer of the aorta was torn away
drifting loose in the middle of the vessel.
All personnel became quiet and nervous
asking if I felt pain or dizzy or strange.
I said that I felt good and wanted to go home,
but they didn’t let me in many days.

Then my wife remembered an episode ten months before.
That was it.
What I had assumed
was a serious case of lumbago
was in fact aortic dissection.

Shave the world

Robert Broberg diktade ”Jag ska raka vägen, raka vägen till dig, med min raka apparat.”

I’m gonna shave the world

Shaving Africa.
Shaving Asia.
Shaving Europe, America, Antarctis and Australia.

If you want to shave your shelf, you have to shave the world.
So shave the world to shave your shelf.



Ett försök att göra riktig pop, inskickad till Melodifestivalen 2015. Överraskande nog kom den inte med. Intressant nog dök ett speciellt F-ord upp i två av låtarna 2017. Låten är givetvis en hyllning till KLF som skrev The Manual – How to have a number one – the easy way.

Everything should be easy and clear
Like having a glass of mexican beer
My music studio should be quick to learn
Making it work, the least concern.
I get the beep, but not the beat
I wanna make music that moves your feet
the message came to my mind subliminal
I have to sit down and read the F****ing manual!

You have to read it – read the book!
and believe it – (believe!) find the hook
Find the groove that makes you move
steal the feeling!

Steal it, feel it and believe it!
When I reach the top it’s time to leave it.
Struggeling for 20 years without success
but it’s never too late to take the test.
I just wanna write a catchy song
that everybody dance to all night long

But how should I touch their feelings, the primal?
I guess I have to sit down and Read the F****ing manual!

What should I do with the fortune and fame?
End up in bed with a lovely dame
She handed me a glossy magazine for reading
containing photography of breeding
She seemed to feature on several pages
and said she hadn’t got some for ages
but what should I do when her clothes were minimal?
She smiled, pointed at the pictures and said: Read the F****ing manual!


Det är inte lätt att vara ödmjuk när man är bäst.

Everyone else make mistakes.
Not me, not me.
Everyone else should give and take.
Not me. I just take.
I cannot help I’m without guilt.
It’s just the way that I am built.
That’s why I like to throw the first stone.
It is my duty, my duty alone.

I am perfect.
I do nothing wrong.
I am perfect.
Beautiful and strong.
I lead my men to victory,
I change the path of history,
because it is my destiny to be

Do as I say. Keep up the pace.
Obey! Obey!
Don’t mess with my perfect office space.
Just obey or go away.
I build my fortess of concrete and steel.
And from the top I will reveal
that people must think outside the box.
Their own completely meaningless box.

I am perfect.
I do nothing wrong.
I am perfect.
Beautiful and strong.
I lead my men to victory,
I’ll rule the world in harmony,
because it is my destiny to be

Future archeology

Civilisationers uppgång och fall.

Take a look 5 – 600 years from now
A fraction of mankind lives on
Building on our ruins
remains of the past
Trying to remember what’s gone.

What will they find,
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?

Take a look 5-6000 years from now
a new civilization blooms.
Curious of the myths that surround our time,
they start to search for the reason for our doom.

They take a look 5-6 metres under ground
the most robust constructions remain:
silos and deposits for nuclear warheads and waste are found.
They open up Pandora’s box again.

What will they find,
(The sarcophagus around Chernobyl, will be a haunted place,
where the tomb raiders get lethal diseases.)
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?
(- Lethal diseases)

Take a look 50 million years from now
aliens find a world turned to dust
We were a parenthesis in the history of Earth
A thin layer of poison in the crust.

What will they find,
(Polluted sediments bear witness of a species
that flooded the Earth and perished.)
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?
(- Polluted sediments)


Vintrarna 2009/2010 och 2010/2011 var hårda och vid midvintersolståndet 2012 skulle maya-indianernas kalender ta slut. Fukushima och vulkaner på Island, rejält stökigt i mellanöstern och sydeuropas ekonomi på knäna. Vad kunde gå fel? Vintern 2011/2012 blev slaskig och Ragnarök kom av sig.

We’ve already had two
hard winters in a row.
Now we’re waiting for the third.
where the summer almost ends
before the melting of the snow
It’s the Fimbulwinter, mark my word.

It’s the period of coldness
that precedes Ragnarök
or call it Armageddon if you like
At the winter solstice next year
we know much better if
the crushing power of judgement will strike

You can see it all around you.
You can smell it in the air.
The shit has already hit the fan
with earthquakes and volcanoes,
disorder everywhere.
Even China syndrome in Japan

It seems we have come to an end.
It seems to be our fate,
as the Mayans predict the final fall
to wintertime next year.
The end.
All signs indicate
that we live in the last days of this world.
Ragnarök is near.

The horsemen of apocalypse
are saddling their horses
to ride the surface of the earth.
They’re doing good in Africa
starting conflicts and wars
where civilization saw it’s own birth.

And Famine has already
turned acres into dust
creating starvation and rage.
Exporting food to the western world
We enjoy it with lust.
Eutrophication is our Plague.

It seems we have come to an end, but not really yet…

It seems we have come to an end.
All signs indicate
that we live in the last days of this world.
Ragnarök is near.
The end.
You have to contemplate
that the Mayans predict the final fall
to wintertime next year.

We’re consuming far too much.
We’re consuming much too fast,
stealing from our children.
This will never last.
We’ll soon see countries falling
from the burden of their debts.
Economy is stalling.
I hope I’m not correct,
but if I am, you’ll never know
what’s next, what will come.
We’ll plant a seed that will grow
and maybe there’ll be some
future archeologist
that find what we have left
and understand the consequence
of egoism and theft.

It seems we have come to an end.
All signs indicate
that we live in the last days of this world.
Ragnarök is here.


You have the right to remain silent

You have the right to remain silent.

Everything you say,
everything you do,
everything you write,
everything you show
can and will be held against you.

You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to remain invisible.

Everything you say – will be saved.
Everything you do – will be recorded.
Everything you write – will be backed up.
Everything you show – will be viewed by forces that can and will hold it against you.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you’re not visible, you do not exist,
but maybe that’s preferrable.

Everything you write will be backed up
and possible to retrieve in a search engine for anyone.