Future archeology

Civilisationers uppgång och fall.

Take a look 5 – 600 years from now
A fraction of mankind lives on
Building on our ruins
remains of the past
Trying to remember what’s gone.

What will they find,
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?

Take a look 5-6000 years from now
a new civilization blooms.
Curious of the myths that surround our time,
they start to search for the reason for our doom.

They take a look 5-6 metres under ground
the most robust constructions remain:
silos and deposits for nuclear warheads and waste are found.
They open up Pandora’s box again.

What will they find,
(The sarcophagus around Chernobyl, will be a haunted place,
where the tomb raiders get lethal diseases.)
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?
(- Lethal diseases)

Take a look 50 million years from now
aliens find a world turned to dust
We were a parenthesis in the history of Earth
A thin layer of poison in the crust.

What will they find,
(Polluted sediments bear witness of a species
that flooded the Earth and perished.)
The future archeologists?
What’s left behind?
(- Polluted sediments)