What is hate?

In May 2020, I missed my Yamaha TX81Z to such a large extent that I even considered connecting it as an external MIDI device in Reason. I felt that the amount of work (about 5 minutes) for this was overwhelming and started to search for Reason Rack Extension clones of the synth instead. One was promising, but lacked som details, so I decided to program my own rack extension. It started to sound really good a year later and now, another six months later, it’s pretty free from bugs. The synth is most famous for the bass sound C15 Lately Bass, which was used in several dance classics from the 90:s. What is hate? is a parody of one of these. To sing with two vocal cords feels a bit done, so I try to avoid it.

Several TZ1X original presets are used: Lately bass, Heavy metal, Funky pick, Dynomite EP. There is also a rolling sound. These sounds are presented after the song. Reason stood for drums, strings, reverb and delay

What is hate?
Baby, don’t kiss me
Don’t hug me

Baby, just hurt me, convert me
in pain
What is hate?

No, I don’t know why you should care
I give you my hate, when you’re not there
So what is left is just wrong.
Gimme your middle finger

What is hate?
Oh baby, don’t hug me
Please judge me

What is hate?
Oh baby, just hurt me
avert me

Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh

I think I know, what I should do
Just write it down, then it’s up to you
I know we’re two, just me and you
I can go on

What is hate?
Oh baby, just hurt me
Avert me

What is hate?
Oh baby, don’t hug me
Don’t kiss me

Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh

What is hate?
What is hate?
What is hate?
Oh baby, convert me
pervert me

Don’t hug me
Don’t snuggle with me

I want to bother, your violent brother
This is his knife, his time
When we are together, he’ll beat me forever
Is it hate?

What is hate?
Oh baby, please hurt me
Convert me
in pain

What is hate?
Oh baby, don’t hug me
Don’t kiss me
Yeah, yeah

Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh

What is hate?
Oh baby, please hurt me
Torment me

What is hate?
Oh baby, don’t hug me
Don’t kiss me
Ever again

Oh baby, just hurt me
Please hurt me
like before

Oh baby, just hurt me
Please hurt me
More and more
What is hate?