Autotune Skavlan

Autotune the news gjorde fantastiska grejer på Youtube och detta var en variant på det hela. Skavlan intervjuar Viktor Muller, Charlotte Perrelli, Linn Ullman och Håkan Juholt. De lösryckta replikerna blev nedanstående soppa, men upphovsrättsfrågan för en sådan här pryl är snårig.

SkavlanYou have now controlled SAAB for two years.
It’s been a bumpy ride to keep that brand alive.
It’s been a bumpy ride to keep that brand alive.
It’s been a bumpy ride.
MullerPutting it mildly, very tough.
SkavlanIt’s been a bumpy ride to keep that brand alive.
It’s been a bumpy ride.
MullerVery tough, it’d been very bumpy.
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
MullerWe’re working day and night.
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
Muller… is working day and night.
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
JuholtHär var jag i Stockholm
för att jobba och slita dygnet runt!
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
PerrelliDet är ju sådär med passion (x2)
Jag älskar ju!
SkavlanEeeeh, eeeh, å – å – å. Eeeeh, eeeeh.
UllmanÄäää ääää?
SkavlanEeeeh, eeeh, å – å – å. Eeeeh, eeeeh.
Det är väldigt många människor i vårt land som vill
att vi Socialdemokrater ska göra mycket bättre.
Som vill att jag ska göra mycket bättre.
Som vill att partiet ska göra mycket bättre.
SkavlanEeeeh, eeeh, å – å – å. Eeeeh, eeeeh.
UllmanÄäää ääää?
SkavlanEeeeh, eeeh, å – å – å. Eeh.
SAABs mytomspunne direktör Viktor Muller.
If I was (x6)
employed in Trollhättan
and wondering whether I’ll have money for Christmas.
What would you say to me now?
MullerYou have to control your fear.
and you have to rationalize your fear.
You have to control it.
You have to deal with it. (x2)
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
MullerWe’re working day and night, as usual.
Then you become addicted to that drug, you know…
You want to keep on tasting it, you know what I’m …
SkavlanIf I was (x4)
employed in Trollhättan
and wondering whether I’ll have money for Christmas.
What would you say to me now?
PerrelliMan kan inte lägga sig ner och dö, man har ett ansvar!
SkavlanIf I was (x2)
employed in Trollhättan
What would you say to me now?
JuholtLivet handlar om att kunna ge och ta emot förlåtelse.
SkavlanIf I was (x2)
employed in Trollhättan
What would you say to me now?
UllmanI really think you should go home
and think about alternative transportation.
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
MullerThe only thing I can tell you
is that your chief executive
is working day and night. (x3)
SkavlanDo you sleep at night?
MullerYes, I sleep at night!
UllmanNår begynte løgnene å smyge sej inn?
SkavlanVi ses på nyttårsaften! God Jul så länge!